
Showing posts from April, 2022

Asked & Answered: Weight-loss dietary supplements

  By: Andrea Lindsey, Senior Nutrition Scientist and Director of Operation Supplement Safety (OPSS)* The New Year brings promises of perhaps a new start, a fresh perspective, and maybe some plans to get in shape, take off some weight, and eat better. So as you consider reaching for a weight-loss supplement to help with your goal to lose weight, here are a few things to keep in mind. What’s the best supplement to take off the pounds? Well, if there’s one on the market that’s safe and effective for weight loss, we all want to know, right?!? Weight-loss supplements can be marketed as thermogenics, fat burners, or appetite suppressants, and many have enticing ads on their website, marketing pages and/or social media, or their bottles. But if the ads promise that a product can help you lose 5–10 pounds in one week, make overall exaggerated claims for substantial weight loss, or claim to block fat absorption, be careful! Those are clear warning signs. If you see advertising for a “free trial

6 Best Meal Plans for Weight Loss in Women

In today’s fast-paced world, lifestyles are becoming more sedentary. The increasing trend of eating out and little time to cook lead to unhealthy food choices. Thus, it is not surprising that overweight and obesity are becoming more prevalent. As per a  report  by WHO, over 1.9 billion adults were overweight in 2016. It includes over 650 million adults who are obese. Overweight and obesity adversely affect health. For example, it can lead to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and orthopaedic problems. It can also affect social life and mental wellbeing. Consequently, people adopt various methods to lose weight. These can include exercise, stress management, diet plans, and meal plans. Weight gain and weight loss work differently for men and women. It is due to differences in body composition, metabolism, and hormones. For example, men have higher muscle mass, thus having a higher resting metabolic rate. Also, male and female hormones influence how and where fat gets accumulated in the